Saturday, September 24, 2011

Run to the Light

Hello Forex Nation!!

If you have not noticed my posts have been a little less frequent over the past several weeks. I take time in the summer to vacation and renew. I also enjoy going to trainings and seminars. Not all of these events tie directly back into trading currencies, but then again I also have other interest and passions.

I was at one such seminar last week in Los Angeles. I was networking after the event with a bunch of other entrepreneurs. We spoke about all kinds of topics (I was the only trader in the group … surrounded by mostly real estate investors!), but the topic that seemed dominate is the on around making the jump from W4 employee to being out on your own.

I know there are Forex traders out there that enjoy trading, but have never considered taking the leap to trading fulltime. But, if you are one of those that want to trade fulltime then I have some tips for you that would make that transition easier and they do not involve trading!

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