Thursday, September 22, 2011

Failure is NOT an Option

I heard an amazing stat the other day…

90% of novice Forex traders fail!
That means that my chosen pursuit has a 10% success rate!
Wow! This was like a punch in the gut. I long suspected a high failure rate, but not THAT high! For those that know me, statistics like these get me thinking and asking that proverbial question … why?

It has got to be the common thread of success I see across the entrepreneurial world … education! I also surmise that people here about the opportunities in the forex market and get pretty excited.

After all those advantages are the reason I chose forex as one of my wealth vehicles!

Without forex knowledge the uneducated get seduced by greed, eventually are overrun by fear and destined to exit the forex trading all together with their tails between their legs.

By the way, these are the same people that will preach the risk of forex trading from the roof top and spout out about what a rip off the entire forex trading industry is for investors.

That is why I focus on forex education and personal self-mastery (discipline)!

The cornerstone of my website and FX newsletter is our Roadmap to Successful Forex Trading which places premium value on forex education and trading discipline. Visit FX Trade Central to learn more.

Happy Trading!

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