Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Forex Lenses

Hi Forex Nation!!
On my last posting I mentioned that I was working on setting up a series of Lenses.
What is a Lens?
Well, I have recently come across the concept of a Lens provided by Squidoo. The idea behind it is great as it is like a one stop shop for something that you are passionate about (Forex!!) giving useful information and links. Some examples of a lens could include:

  • Your hobby

  • Your business / industry

  • Favorite celebrity

  • Favorite recipes

  • I am a huge Sopranos fan and there was even a Lens dedicated to the show!
    Back to business…

    The list really is endless, you talk about what you want to and it is opportunity to educate people! And you know I am all about education! Well I have created two Forex related Lenses. The links are provided below (just clock on the icons) and on the sidebar of this blog. I also have two icons on the side bar and they are linked to the two different FX Lenses.

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