Saturday, September 24, 2011

Conquer the Crash

A Book Review

“Conquer the Crash”
By Robert R. Prechter Jr.

If you have been trading the Forex market you will have no doubtlessly come across R.N. Elliott’s Wave theory. In this book Robert Prechter, President of Elliott Wave International, details a compelling economic theory using this wave analysis. Prechter walks us through a technical, social and fundamental analysis of past economic events in a manner for which prior wave analysis is not necessary. He is leading us toward a prediction of future economic events which will leave you staggering! His stunning conclusion of an upcoming economic downturn not seen since the Great Depression will leave you thinking not only of future planning, but also of current events. Warning aside, there are a myriad of strategies outlined in this book that, once deployed, can not only allow you to survive this economic apocalypse, but flourish despite the odds.

The blog is dedicated to Forex education. During major economic downturns your financial education will be the difference between prosperity and struggle. This is must reading for traders and investors alike!!

Click Here to obtain your copy of “Conquer the Crash” by Robert Prechter.

Click Here to preview the lastest Elliott Wave International Market Perspective.

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